Applying for an internship may not be your first idea when looking for work. This is because they are often referred to as something exclusive to senior college students or graduates looking for something to add to their CVs. While this isn’t entirely untrue, these positions can be very valuable for your future as a professional.
According to Small Biz Genius, around 70% of employers offer their interns full-time jobs upon its completion, with 31% of all internships beginning after formal education has been completed. If you’re aiming to work in a large international company with a high bar for entry, going for an intern program beforehand may be just what you need. Here’s how you can benefit from applying for them through Jobs OneGlobe before applying for full-time jobs in 2022.
The Argument for Internship Job Positions
Why are internships important in professional development? According to Finances Online, 50% of today’s professionals have undergone them more than once in their careers. 40% of businesses also utilize virtual internships for international interns, which has proven extremely useful in the wake of the global pandemic. While interns may be paid less than full-time or part-time hires, they are not there to work as full-time employees.
Your main role as an intern is to learn as much as possible in the span of however long your internship lasts. You may be tempted to apply for your first job without going through an internship beforehand. While you can do this and still land a great job, they will improve your odds of landing higher-paying jobs more quickly. Not only that, but many employers outright offer full-time positions to their interns if they’re satisfied with their performance.
Internships are nothing to scoff at and they’re not a bad time investment, especially if you’re fresh out of college. Let’s take a closer look at how they can help you develop a more successful career in 2022.
“My advice for young people is, study what you love and intern in what you want to do.
And I think it’s okay to pivot as many times as you need to.” – Eva Chen
1. Improve your CV
The most obvious and immediate effect internships can have on your success in the job market concerns your CV. Adding valuable intern programs where you’ve learned more about your industry to your CV will make your job applications richer and more appealing.
You can use Jobs OneGlobe to create your new CV and add new content to it over time. Applying for them after your first one will also be easier because recruiters are often looking for experienced interns to hire. If you’re looking for ways to improve your CV and learn something new, apply for it with a reputable company.

2. Gain Practical Work Experience
Working your way through theoretical studies is an important part of personal and professional growth. But, many employers won’t look too fondly toward CVs with little to no practical experience. If you’ve never been a volunteer before and have no internship experience, consider applying for it now.
As an intern, you’ll gain valuable, practical experience working in the industry you’re interested in specializing. Interns in most companies are treated just like employees are and no employer will spare you the experience of learning through doing. This can be extremely valuable when applying for future job opportunities as it will present you as hard-working and dedicated to prospective employers.
3. Explore your Professional Likes and Dislikes
Many fresh graduates and millennials use internships to figure out exactly what they want to do for the rest of their professional lives. You can indeed apply for internships in various fields and industries to see what you like or dislike doing. This is very helpful for broad industries like digital marketing or graphic design which feature dozens of callings and specializations.
If you don’t see yourself working as a print manager, why not try working as a digital artist or a content marketer instead? This will help you gain first-hand experience of various job positions within your industry without applying for a full-time position without knowing what it’s all about. An intern program will let you bow out gracefully, add something to your CV, and learn what you like or dislike doing, all in a span of a few months.
“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” – Anonymous
4. Stand Out from the Crowd When Looking for Full-Time Jobs
While not all employers share the same sentiment, many will explicitly look for candidates with such experience under their belts. This is because employers want to see some credibility and dedication in the candidates they consider hiring.
By applying for an internship before looking for work, you’ll effectively stand out as a viable candidate for hire. Employers on Jobs OneGlobe might also reach out to you regardless of your application thanks to employer-side features which allow them to browse candidates’ CVs. Not all job seekers go for intern programs, but those that do are considered unique and more worthwhile in terms of full-time employment by many employers.
5. Improve your Skillset Within the Industry
Certain skills can only be acquired through practical experience – this is why the program might be a good idea for you. While you’ll learn a lot through theoretical studies, formal education, courses, and online seminars being present in a company, day-in, and day-out, will be a different learning experience. Many employers who put out internship listings are specifically looking for candidates who want to be challenged on a daily.
This is a very good chance for you to test yourself and your soft skills in a real-world environment. No amount of training or curated learning will ever help you achieve the same level of experience as a good internship will. This will propel your CV and even entice the company which accepted you as an intern to then offer you a full-time position.
6. Gain Valuable Professional Acquaintances
Finally, the most essential benefit of applying for intern programs is to put your name out there. Whether you’ve recently graduated in finance, business management, sales, or IT, you’ll want employers to know about you. The best way to do that is to become an intern and show them what you can do first-hand. As an intern, you’ll be able to work just as hard and just as active as any other person on the staff.
This will make employers and recruiters remember you, which will help your future career prospects considerably. You’ll be able to apply for full-time jobs after your intern period is over and these managers and executives will already know you. For many high-performing companies, this is the only way to gain full-time employment, especially as a recent graduate without any real working experience.
“Internships have always been important to college students, but never more than now.” – Katie Riley
Making the Most Out of Your Internship Experience
If you spot an internship that you like on Jobs OneGlobe – go for it. Recent data has shown that they can boost employment odds by 16%, with US-based tech companies, for example, providing 44% of top-paying intern programs. If you don’t want to apply for junior full-time positions without developing certain skills and expertise beforehand, apply for internships.
By investing several months of your time into being an intern with a company of some renown, your future job prospects will flourish shortly after. All you need to do is rethink your job hunt and look for internships instead of permanent employment if you know that you can do better. While they aren’t for everyone they can pay off for you in spades moving forward.