One Globe is a community – built by members, for members, who share common values,
aspirations, expectations, and goals; A safe digital environment where its members can feel
at home, able to further progress their personal and professional lives.
How do we do it?
About Us - One Globe's Mission
A single mission is at the core of to create an environment where talent and opportunities come together. Our goal is to make it quick and easy for job candidates and companies to find one another for everyone’s benefit.
We do this by effectively matching skills, talents, and potential to the right job postings. Some of the most trusted employers, recruiters, brands, and companies in the world work with – you can become a part of our community.
We gather global career opportunities, as well as skills and talents, on a single secure platform. Employers and recruitment agencies can find any job candidate profile they might need on a single, easy-to-use, trustworthy website.
Job seekers can easily create an account, submit their CVs, and be reviewed and selected by the most trusted employers across the Globe, as well as apply to jobs in a plethora of industries and niches.
One Globe provides personal skills development opportunities
One Globe aims to facilitate personal development which will enable its members to build
the skills necessary to find a career they’ll enjoy.
One Globe provides global career development opportunities for everyone
One Globe seeks to provide a multitude of product and service websites that will assist and guide its members on their personal and professional development journey. Travel, real estate, banking, and migration will make up One Globe’s range of supporting services, available to everyone in its network.
will provide its community with the confidence they need to take the next step and change
their personal and professional lives for the better.
At One Globe, members can go through the process of registering into a global jobs portal
which will allow them to be seen at their best. This is done to increase their prospect of a
better career going forward.
The team at One Globe consists of recruitment, education, and product development
The focus is to bring value and services to its members and enhance their personal and professional lifestyles in doing so. One Globe’s ethos is “Together for Life”; it aims to bridge the gap between its members and partners, refine their growth potential, and put it into practice to make the world a better place! Find out more about us by checking out our other pages or by signing up with One Globe today!