Remote jobs have become quite popular in the wake of the global pandemic, with many businesses shifting to remote-only models in 2020-2021. As the pandemic subsides, however, professionals are starting to wonder what will happen with remote jobs moving forward. According to Forbes, 76% of entrepreneurs believe that remote work will become the new norm, with 61% of employees advocating for fully-remote job positions.
While remote jobs are very possible for some professions, others that rely on retail or technical services require on-site workflow. Jobs OneGlobe features remote job positions which you can apply for right now if you’re a job seeker looking for work. Here’s how you benefit from working remotely and how it can reflect on your professional career in 2022 and beyond.
Remote Jobs vs Freelancing – What’s the Difference?
Before we move further into the topic of remote work, we need to distinguish between freelancers and remote workers. Freelancing represents the process of working from home but as a self-employed individual, a solo entrepreneur. Freelancers have to file their taxes, manage multiple clients, and typically work through freelancing platforms. Remote jobs on the other hand revolve around full-time employment, similar to traditional work placement.
Remote professionals are fully employed in a single company and perform their 9-to-5 duties just as they would at the office. The only difference here is that they’re working from home instead of being at the office – everything else still applies. This means that freelancers are not remote workers, per se, and the opposite is also true. According to Small Biz Genius, 16% of companies worldwide hire exclusively remote workers for example, with people working remotely reportedly being 24% happier and more productive.
Jobs OneGlobe features both freelance and remote jobs, however, depending on what you’re looking for as a job seeker. Let’s then talk about how you can benefit from working remotely and applying for remote job listings with Jobs OneGlobe.
1. Work Wherever You Feel Most Comfortable
One of the most prominent arguments for remote work relates to the fact that you can work wherever you want to. Whether you have a home office or like to work from your favorite coffee shop, you can do that. According to Small Biz Trends, 84% of remote workers prefer working from their homes as opposed to other alternatives, however. 51% of employees have also stated that they’re more productive working from home rather than on-site.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys being at home and doesn’t like to spend 8+ hours in the office five times a week, consider remote jobs. Many of these remote jobs have a lower barrier for entry and allow for substantial career development, as well as the ability to add valuable points to your CV. Again, remote jobs are not freelance jobs. You’ll be fully employed and engaged with a single company but work from home (or wherever you feel most comfortable).
“People are more productive working at home than people would have expected.
Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn’t.”
– Mark Zuckerberg
2. Save Precious Time and Resources by Not Commuting
The daily commute is always at the back of the mind when you’re looking for new jobs to apply for. Even if the work conditions and employment benefits are great, you still might pass on the opportunity if you have to travel up to 2 hours every day. This is where remote work can come in as a neat solution for both sides.
According to Multiplier, 40% of employees are ready to take pay cuts if they’re allowed to work from home. 52% of remote workers are also less likely to take time off if they’re free to work from home. By applying for remote jobs, you’ll effectively eliminate commute from the equation. You’ll save not only time but money as well since you won’t have to pay for monthly tickets or gasoline for your car.
3. Reduce your Stress and Anxiety
Ever since the advent of social media, many people have grown to be more introverted. They are highly competent at their jobs but they prefer working from home so that they can focus better. If you’re one of these people, seriously consider applying for remote jobs. You’ll have a much better handle on your mental wellbeing and reduce your stress and anxiety levels considerably.
You won’t have to physically interact with anyone and you’ll be free to chat and socialize with colleagues as you see fit. This will give you more energy to do your job properly and feel less drained once the clock strikes 5 every day. Not only that, but your mood will improve and you’ll be much happier with your permanent employment even though it is remote.
“Remote managers need to consider things like imposter syndrome, communicating intentionally with their remote teams, finding ways to talk about productivity, and communicating in writing rather than face-to-face chats.” — Becca Van Nederynen
4. Focus on your Work, Not on Office Politics
Office politics can be complicated, especially if you’re the type of person who wants to focus on their worn and not pay attention to gossip. While it’s completely natural for colleagues to mingle and talk about casual topics at work, some people don’t want to do that. If they work on-site and do not participate in these events, they might be sidelined for promotion, higher pay, or better work conditions. While this isn’t a rule and many employers are very fair with their employees, others aren’t as understanding of people who simply want to do their jobs and go home afterward.
However, with remote work, you don’t have to worry about that. Remote jobs where entire teams are working from home are much more democratic, inviting, and diverse. It’s not unheard of for remote teams to operate with international employees from around the globe who are fully employed with the same company. While occasional social and casual conversations will still happen, it’s a far cry from what you’d experience through traditional work placement.
5. Achieve a Healthier Work-Life Balance
A good work-life balance is high on the priority list of many people looking for remote jobs. This is because many traditional job positions often don’t feature 40-hour weeks but ask for more from employees. With remote work, you’ll be able to cut down on the commute and spend much more time with your family.
You’ll have more time to devote to running your household, engaging in hobbies, and spending time outdoors without worrying about work. You’ll have more time for your kids, pets, or different chores and activities around the house. Most importantly, you’ll be less nervous and more energetic after you’ve clocked in your work hours for the day. Simply feeling good about your job is something you should consider as a very serious benefit to working remotely.
“Do you want to access talent everywhere, or just in specific markets?
If the answer is everywhere, you need to be at least open to the possibility of remote work.” – Katie Burke
Applying for Remote Jobs with Jobs OneGlobe
Amazing remote job opportunities are waiting for you at Jobs OneGlobe. If you’re looking for professional employment but don’t have the resources or aren’t in the situation to move abroad – fear not. According to Upwork, 73% of all teams will have remote team members by 2028, with 69% of younger gen managers allowing team members to work remotely.
The jobs industry and gig industry are both changing and introducing amazing new trends into the mix. Remote jobs are not looked down upon or taboo as they once might have been. They are just as legitimate of employment as traditional on-site job positions are. Start looking for great job opportunities with remote work in mind and you’ll be surprised as to what you might discover.