Whether you’re someone who carefully cultivated their career growth or are more reactive and sporadic as a person, you can’t deny the fact that the past few years have been transformative for the job market. According to recent reports, 18% of full-time employees quit in 2021 due to a lack of flexibility with their jobs, with 55% believing that high turnover will continue throughout 2022. This year, nearly 30% of job applicants quit their jobs within 90 days of being hired, with 43% stating that the job didn’t meet their initial expectations.
Planning and following through on your career growth is a tall order, no matter how experienced you may be as a professional. However, with Jobs OneGlobe and the tools it offers you, that challenge can be overcome more easily. Let’s discuss the practical tips for career growth in 2022 and beyond, as well as why you should care about career planning in the first place.
Meaningful Career Growth and Development
Career growth represents creating a long-term goal, a bigger picture of where you want to be as a professional, years down the line. Your career goals depend entirely on your aspirations and no one can give you a blueprint to follow.
For example, you may want to run your startup five years from now – what do you need to do to achieve that goal? Or, you may want to become a high-level executive in a large marketing agency several years from now – how will you get there? Creating a meaningful, worthwhile goal to pursue is something we should all think about as professionals. What’s important to note however is that it’s never too late for you to embrace career growth.
According to published findings, over 60% of parents are considering a career change, with 54% of employees not working in jobs related to their degrees. It’s okay to make a drastic change in your career path and it’s okay to step out of your proverbial comfort zone and pursue new and exciting professional challenges. With that said, here’s how you can tackle career growth and start your new professional journey with Jobs OneGlobe at your side.
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1. Set SMART Goals for Career Growth
The only way for you to fulfill your professional potential is by deciding on what goal you’ll pursue. To do that, you’ll need to be objective and avoid vague goals which are difficult to acquire. You can avoid getting lost in your career growth planning by adopting a solid goal-setting model, like SMART. SMART is a goal-setting methodology used in businesses, as well as in personal development. SMART stands for:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-Bound
As you can see, each letter in SMART stands for an element that will help you create a meaningful career goal. Your professional goals have to be specific and relate to a certain profession or career path. Likewise, they need to be achievable, relevant to you as an individual and have a specific timeline.
For example, becoming a CEO of an international IT company in 10 years if you’re a junior software developer today is an achievable SMART goal. Think about where you’d like to be years down the line and focus your efforts on fulfilling those goals.
“Begin somewhere. You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.” — Liz Smith
2. Increase your Learning Initiatives
Life-long learning is at the core of career growth, no matter which profession you choose to pursue. Whether you’re a hospitality professional, a healthcare worker, or a software developer, learning new skills will be at the core of your personal development. There are some very valid reasons why life-long learning should be a priority to you:
- Expand your skillset
- Enrich your CV
- Boost your confidence
- Improve your employment prospects
- Apply for higher-paying jobs
One of the easiest ways to start learning and expanding your skill set is by improving your language proficiency. OneGlobe Language Learning will enable you to pick up any of the 40+ languages contained within it through easy-to-pick-up multimedia courses. You’ll gain lifetime access to kids’ language learning courses in addition to that, allowing your children to learn alongside you. Approach career growth with a personal development mindset and you won’t have to worry about impressing employers enough so that they ultimately hire you.
Learn 40+ New Languages
OneGlobe Language Learning
3. Establish Your Online Presence
Prospective employers and HR recruiters rely on social media and other online channels to vet their potential job candidates. Likewise, you should do your best to create online profiles on platforms like Jobs OneGlobe to improve your visibility. By creating your Jobs OneGlobe account and subsequently writing a brand-new CV with its professional CV builder, you’ll gain a lot of professional traction.
You’ll be able to start applying for jobs, keep updating your CV, and gain the benefit of Jobs OneGlobe promoting your CV to its global partners. Maintain your social media presence and refrain from any negative, defamatory, or otherwise unwanted content on your profiles. This will raise red flags with employers and recruiters who would otherwise be willing to hire you.
“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” — Seth Godin
4. Stay in Touch with Industry Trends
For your career development to gain any traction, you’ll need to stay up to date with everything that’s going on in your industry. The socio-economic landscape is changing by the day and 2022 is proving to be just as transformative for the job market as the years prior. That’s why you need to be fully aware of new developments, disruptive technologies, and work methodologies in your industry.
This goes for any industry from retail and sales to IT and web development. If you’re in a tech-related field and would like to stay in touch with the latest happenings, you can check out TechRound as a good source of news on what’s happening in the job market at large.
Similarly, different platforms exist for different industries so you should look for reliable news sources to keep up with. Jobs OneGlobe will also help you with its insight, tips, and guides on career advice and professional development, so stay tuned and keep working on yourself.
Your Career Growth with Jobs OneGlobe
Before you start applying for jobs, you need to know what you’re looking for. Your career growth and trajectory will differ from others simply because you are unique and have different needs from others.
Start by creating your new CV at Jobs OneGlobe and by utilizing its professional CV builder to create multiple CVs to apply for jobs with. This will give you time to reflect on your skillset and to decide which jobs are best suited to your current experience level. Jobs OneGlobe will also help you by promoting your CV with its global partners, expanding your career opportunities even further. Don’t wait for an opportunity to come your way and seize it instead.