Working as a dishwasher in a kitchen is a great way for you to learn more about the hospitality industry and earn a stable income. To get started, you’ll need to have a great CV in your hands and start applying for jobs with it. However, creating a new CV isn’t simple, especially if you have to do it by hand and don’t have the necessary software or know-how to write it without assistance. Using Jobs OneGlobe to start your new career in hospitality is a great way to circumvent that.
By using its professional CV builder, you’ll be able to easily create a detailed CV which will help you attract the attention of prospective employers more quickly and efficiently. Moreover, Jobs OneGlobe will also assist you in finding a hospitality industry job that will suit your professional background. If you want to work as a dishwasher and are ready to accept a job offer, keep reading to find out how you can create a new CV and make a positive change in your life.
Applying for Dishwasher Job Positions
While washing dishes may seem self-explanatory in terms of job responsibilities, working as a full-time dishwasher is more complex than that. You’ll need to be quick on your feet in terms of cooperating with your coworkers and ensuring that every plate or piece of cutlery you clean is impeccable. Moreover, you’ll have to maintain your establishment’s health and sanitation standards at all times to ensure no contamination happens. What does a typical job description for this position look like?
- Gather kitchenware and dishes from your waiter colleagues
- Place used dishes into a dishwasher, or
- Wash some or all dishes by hand
- Manage wooden and other cutlery with extra care
- Unload cleaned dishes and dry them
- Deliver clean dishes to cooks regularly
- Maintain a steady supply of dishwashing supplies
- Periodically remove accumulated garbage
- Keep the kitchen clean and sanitary
Working as a dishwasher will require you to be careful and focused – however, you’ll get to learn a lot about hospitality and kitchen staff management first-hand. This will help you further expand your CV after a while, which will help you find even more job opportunities in hospitality down the line. Here are a few practical tips for you to get started on your CV.
Write your New CV Now

1. Upload your Existing CV and Create a New CV
Jobs OneGlobe is designed with long-term personal and professional development in mind. It’s why you can upload your existing CV to the database before you create a new, more detailed CV. Both options are available to you from the Candidate’s Dashboard where you can create multiple new CVs or apply with your existing CV to start your job hunt faster.
However, there are benefits to using the professional CV builder created for job seekers such as yourself. You’ll slowly be guided through several pages which are focused on your personal and professional background, as well as your skills and expertise. You should upload your existing dishwasher CV to start things off and then proceed to expand on it by creating a new CV by using the professional CV builder at your disposal.
2. Express your Interest in Hospitality
Why exactly do you want to work in hospitality? Prospective employers like to learn more about what their candidates are driven by before they hire them. You can use Jobs OneGlobe and its CV builder to go into detail about your personality, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. When you apply for jobs, you’ll also be asked to provide employers with a cover letter which will give you another chance to explain your career goals to them.
There are many great reasons you can list as your motivation for wanting to work as a dishwasher in hospitality. You may want to get some practical experience working in a kitchen while you study to become a chef. You may also want to spend time abroad and working in a kitchen would help you do that and earn a living. Whatever reasons you list, make sure that they are related to hospitality, since unrelated reasons won’t look good on your CV.
3. Learn a New Language to Apply for International Jobs
Working in an international team in the hospitality business is difficult if you at least don’t have proficiency in the English language. By being a dishwasher, you’ll be a part of a kitchen staff whose sole responsibility is health and sanitation. You’ll have a much easier time collaborating with your colleagues such as cooks, chefs, other dishwashers, as well as waiters coming to pick up ready dishes.
To learn a new language effectively, you can use OneGlobe Language Learning as your tool of choice. OneGlobe Language Learning is designed to make learning fun, engaging, and easy regardless of your current language proficiency level. Start learning English, German, French, or any other of the 40+ languages available and start adding them to your CV. Every hospitality industry employer will look fondly toward bilingual job candidates who want to work as dishwashers, waiters, valets, cooks, and other staff members.
Learn 40+ New Languages
OneGlobe Language Learning
4. Double-Check your Personal Information
More than anything else, your personal information is the most vital part of your new CV. Your full name, birthday, place of birth, as well as any information regarding your contact details, needs to be valid. Employers who are looking for a dishwasher from abroad will want to look at your passport, ID, and Visa documents for example. Your CV details need to match your official data so that no red flags are identified by prospective employers.
Double-check your email, address, phone number, and social media links before submitting your CV. Employers who are interested in hiring you will want to reach out quickly and invalid information will make them think twice about you. Don’t lose a great job opportunity because you didn’t proofread your CV – take your time and double-check everything.
5. Edit and Update your CV
To use the full functionality of Jobs OneGlobe to your advantage, you should edit and update your CV periodically. Your Candidate’s Dashboard will allow you to update your dishwasher CV whenever you learn new skills or acquire new certification or professional experience. All you need to do is visit your Dashboard and edit whichever CV you want to apply for hospitality jobs.
You are encouraged to create different CVs to mix and match your skill set to whatever the prospective employers are looking for. Don’t rest on the proverbial laurels once you create your first, detailed CV at Jobs OneGlobe. Always look for ways to expand on what you can provide to potential employers and they’ll be very likely to get back to you with lucrative job opportunities quickly.
Finding Full-Time Dishwasher Work with Jobs OneGlobe
Whether you dedicate your professional career to working as a dishwasher, a waiter, or a cleaner in hospitality, your CV is the most essential part of your job search. No employer will be able to tell who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish without reading a detailed, well-formatted CV.
To that end, Jobs OneGlobe will be irreplaceable and help you fine-tune your CV so that your skills and talents truly shine and make you stand out. While you’re looking for jobs, Jobs OneGlobe will share your CV with its global partners who are on the lookout for dishwashers and other professionals to work in hospitality businesses worldwide. Don’t wait for an opportunity to come knocking – seek it out instead, with Jobs OneGlobe.