Whether you’re only now looking for your first job or applying for job vacancies as seasoned professional, hybrid work opportunities are nothing to scoff at. By working in a hybrid environment, you’re effectively able to spend certain days of the week working from home rather than going to the office. Hybrid work is a legacy of the global pandemic, a system bred out of necessity to combat COVID-19 while still keeping businesses operational.
According to TechRound almost half of interviewed UK business owners insist on their employees returning to work on at least a part-time basis. However, 32% of UK employees were upset by this, with 74% likely to look for new jobs if they’re not offered the flexibility which was commonplace during the peak of the pandemic. Per TechRound’s findings, 34% of people found that their mental health has improved since being allowed to work flexibly and in hybrid environments.
As a job seeker, you’ll likely be confused by hybrid work opportunities and ask yourself what the catch is behind partially working from home. Jobs OneGlobe is here not only to help you find a great job opportunity but also to help you gauge how beneficial hybrid workflow can be for you in 2022. Let’s discuss the ins and outs of the prospect in the following segments.
1. Improved Agency and Productivity
Simply having the option to work remotely is enough for many job seekers to consider applying for a job. Hybrid positions can be very enticing for people who like to work from home for a part of the week and then go to the office to catch up with their colleagues. This type of workflow can improve the agency and engagement you feel for the projects you work on which will naturally seep into your productivity.
By changing your work environment every day or two, you’ll feel refreshed and readier to take on new professional challenges. This is in stark contrast to being forced to commute daily, or being a full-time remote worker who spends most of their days at home. Going for a balance between the two will positively reflect on your performance moving forward.
“People today really value workplace flexibility and remote work because it allows them to focus their energies on work and life as opposed to commuting.” – Ken Matos
2. Raised Morale and Employment Satisfaction
Many employees cite commute as one of the most detrimental factors in their current employment, and for good reasons. Employees around the world lose literal hours out of their day simply to get to their point of employment and then back home again. With hybrid workflow, that problem is at least somewhat mitigated.
You’ll be more excited about the prospect of going to work once in a while and being able to contribute just as much from home. This will make it more likely for you to stay on board with your current employer and not look for other professional opportunities. In turn, this will lead to a sense of stability which will increase your morale and make you better at what you do for a living.
3. Increased Time Management Flexibility
By being a hybrid worker, you’ll have the opportunity to manage your time more precisely and get more things done each day. Most hybrid work environments operate based on monthly rotations where employees interchange who will work from home each week and when.
By knowing when you’ll be available to work from home, you’ll be able to run quick errands or do chores while taking a break from work. Likewise, the days when you’ll be asked to come to work can be used to run errands around town, freeing up your other days and helping you get ahead of your schedule. This will make your time management not only more fun but much more flexible and adaptable to whatever situation you find yourself in.
4. More Diverse L&D Opportunities
Learning and development (L&D) have become so interlinked with modern career development that it’s impossible to separate employment from life-long learning. Despite that, many employees struggle to find the time or patience to learn new skills or competencies while also going to work every day.
By opting for a hybrid work placement, you’ll have more freedom to choose how much you’ll learn every day. You’ll be able to devote more time to studying up on the latest industry trends or pursuing the certification you’ve always had at the back of your mind. Hybrid workflow is inherently flexible and adaptive – L&D is a natural extension of that and it will make you that much more content with the work you do as a professional.
“One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone’s performance.” — Jason Fried
5. Better and More Meaningful Work Relationships
Office networking isn’t something everyone will enjoy, and that’s okay. Just because you’re less social and more focused on your job doesn’t mean that you don’t like your colleagues. By working in a hybrid environment, you’ll be able to pace how much time you spend with your colleagues and keep things interesting for longer. You’ll have more things to talk about and be able to communicate well as professionals.
If you don’t feel like making friends, no worries. By spending a part of the week at home and fulfilling your duties as an employee, no one will bat an eye at it. Moreover, if you do feel inclined to find out more about your colleagues and develop deeper work relationships, you’ll be free to do so on your terms. This is a great social component of hybrid workflow which you should seriously consider when weighing whether this type of work is really for you.
Potential Bottlenecks Concerning Hybrid Workflow
While hybrid workflow certainly has its perks, there are also some pitfalls employers and employees both need to keep in mind. As a job seeker, you should look at both sides of the equation when weighing whether to apply for a job vacancy promising a hybrid workflow. The drawbacks of working in a hybrid environment may be too much for some job seekers to handle, so here’s what you should keep in mind as you start your job hunt on Jobs OneGlobe:
- Hybrid work requires you to have reliable hardware and internet at home
- Working from home can disassociate you from your colleagues and office space
- It’s harder to collaborate with people who aren’t near you
- You may get burned out from shifting between remote and on-site workflow
- You run the risk of mixing up your schedule, files, or tasks
- Hybrid workflow isn’t suitable for all industries (retail, servicing, etc.)
“Success in a hybrid work environment requires employers to move beyond viewing remote or hybrid environments as a temporary or short-term strategy and to treat it as an opportunity.” – George Penn
Seeking Hybrid Work Opportunities with Jobs OneGlobe
The global job market has shown that hybrid work environments are here to stay for good. Employers thus face the dilemma of either passing on valuable talent because of their inflexibility or introducing hybrid work as an option and an employment benefit.
You can use Jobs OneGlobe to look for not just hybrid but other job vacancies including full-time placements, remote work positions, and even part-time jobs depending on your interests. Gauge how well you’d fit into a hybrid workflow and whether you’d be okay with working from home some, and from the office on other days. At the end of the day, you won’t know how suited you are for it until you try it first-hand – apply for jobs today and find out.
To stay up to date with the latest startup and tech news focused on the UK and international trends as a job seeker or employer, make sure to check out TechRound and keep an eye on their articles, reports, and publications.