learn german

Whether you’ve just graduated from university or want to find a job abroad, it’s never a bad idea to learn German. German is one of the most widely-popular languages in the world for various reasons, not the least of which is related to employment prospects in Germany and the EU with Jobs OneGlobe.

According to World Population Review, over 78% of German speakers live and work in Germany, with German being the official language of Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Germany, respectively. More than 90% of Germany’s residents speak German as their native language, with a smaller albeit still respectful 5.6 million speaking German as a second language.

If you’re a healthcare nurse looking for a job abroad, you should learn German and look for employment in Germany due to its great foreign employee support systems and full-time employment opportunities.

Learn German and Become a Nurse in Germany

As you start learning German, you’ll want to explore more options to make your learning process go more smoothly. This is why it’s a great idea to use digital tools and resources to augment your learning. OneGlobe Language Learning is uniquely designed to allow you to learn German and 40+ other languages. You can gain access to a wide variety of lessons, daily exercises, chatbot-enabled voice learning, as well as Mondly Kids and Mondly AR apps for free.

Use OneGlobe Language Learning powered by Mondly to LEARN GERMAN!

As we’ve previously stated, you’ll need official language certification to be eligible for full-time employment as a foreigner in Germany. Also, your employer will ask for a Bachelor’s degree or higher in a nursing-related field to have you on the staff. These two prerequisites are the biggest obstacles you’ll face on your way to Germany. However, once you’ve overcome them, you can use Jobs OneGlobe to find healthcare nurse employment in Germany easily. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Make an account as a job candidate on Jobs OneGlobe
  2. Use the professional CV builder to create a new CV for job applications
  3. Visit our healthcare nurse job listings and apply today

Great Reasons to Learn German as a Healthcare Nurse

Whether you’re a native English speaker or come from France, Italy, Greece, or the Czech Republic, there are many great reasons to learn German. As we’ve mentioned, German is the official language of Germany and a large percentage of German employers prefer to hire German-speaking employees.

As a healthcare nurse, you’ll need to think about learning German up to a sufficient level so that you can acquire an A2/B1 certification from a certified language school. Once you learn German in a way that will allow you to work well with others in a hospital, clinic, or other healthcare institutions, you’ll have plenty of career development opportunities to look forward to. Here are some of the best reasons to learn German in 2022, whether you’re a nurse or want to find work in Germany in another industry:

  • The most widely-spoken language in the European Union is German
  • German is one of the three most learned languages in the world
  • German is one of the five most widely-used languages on the web
  • German is spoken by over 100 million people around the globe
  • Germany has a 99% literacy rate among its residents

German is just as challenging to learn as any other foreign language, especially if you don’t know English already. People who speak English will have a somewhat easier time when they learn German, but they’ll still need to put in the effort to do it properly. Here are some of the best and most useful phrases to learn as a nurse if you’re planning to move abroad and live in Germany.

Best German Words and Phrases to Learn as a Nurse

  1. Hallo! – Hello!
  2. Ja/Nein – Yes/No
  3. Danke! – Thank you!
  4. Bitte! – Please!
  5. Hilfe! – Help!
  6. Entschuldigung! – I’m sorry!
  7. Guten Morgen! – Good morning!
  8. Guten Tag! – Good day!
  9. Guten Abend! – Good evening!
  10. Auf Wiedersehen – Goodbye
  11. Ich heiße… – My name is…
  12. Wie heißt du? – What’s your name?
  13. Freut mich! – Nice to meet you!
  14. Ich habe… – I have…
  15. Ich komme aus… – I come from…
  16. Wie geht es dir? – How are you?
  17. Mir geht’s gut. / Mir geht’s nicht gut. – I am feeling well/unwell.
  18. Können Sie mir helfen? – Can you help me?
  19. Einen Moment, bitte. – One moment, please.
  20. Es tut mir leid, ich verstehe das nicht. – Sorry, I don’t understand.
  21. Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? – Can you repeat that please?
  22. Was bedeutet das? – What does that mean?
  23. Freut mich, Sie kennen zu lernen. – Pleased to meet you.
  24. Schönes Wetter heute. – Nice weather today.
  25. Guten Appetit! – Enjoy your meal!
  26. Ich stimme dir zu. – I agree with you.
  27. Alles klar? – Is everything clear?
  28. Quatsch! – That’s nonsense!
  29. Er/Sie braucht Medikamente. – He/She needs medication.
  30. Wo ist das Krankenhaus/Apotheke? – Where is the hospital/pharmacy?

Getting Started on your German Proficiency

Learn German by going through these phrases daily to memorize them and understand them as best as possible. You can also use OneGlobe Language Learning to keep learning in your spare time. Using streaming services to watch German TV shows and movies is also a great way to expand your vocabulary and get used to the pronunciations and sentence structures.

This will be a good starting point for you as you prepare for your A2/B1 certification exams. It will take some time for you to prepare properly but the rewards will be worth the effort. Once you’ve acquired the certificate, finding work as a nurse in Germany will be much simpler.

You’ll have an easier time adjusting to a new environment and you’ll be able to make friends and acquaintances in Germany without struggling too much. Use Jobs OneGlobe to apply for a job abroad and we’ll make sure that you find the right match for your career plans as a nurse in Germany.

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