Immigrating to another country for work-related reasons isn’t anything new. Finding a job in UK is one of the best decisions you could make from a professional standpoint given the effects of COVID-19 and Brexit.
According to national UK statistics, 125,173 professionals were granted visas in 2020, with 60% consisting of “skilled” (academically educated) workers. Due to the effects of the aforementioned crises, there was a 35% drop in the number of granted visas for people looking for a job in UK. With the country slowly recovering from both, now’s the time to check out Jobs OneGlobe and apply for great job opportunities in the UK. Let’s discuss the best reasons to consider UK your next professional destination, as well as how you can get started.
1. Multi-Cultural Environment
The UK is, at its core, an English-speaking country with a predominantly Caucasian population but it is much more culturally rich than most European countries. According to the Office for National Statistics, 9,5 million people living in the UK were not born there, with London having 37% of non-UK-born residents.
People from around the world come to the UK for living, work, and education and make up its population, creating a multi-cultural environment. This means that whether you’re from Europe, the US, Asia, or someplace else, you’re bound to find communities and ex-pats to network with locally. This can make your onboarding experience smoother once you find a job in UK and are ready to move abroad.
2. Upward Recovery Trend from COVID-19
Despite the crisis brought on by COVID-19, many UK residents didn’t work from home during the pandemic. According to The Guardian, only 25,9% of people worked from home at some point during 2021, with 46,4% of Londoners doing so. Given that London is the capital city of the UK, it’s no wonder that people would work from home there more than elsewhere.
However, this shows the willingness of people in the UK to push through the hardship and come out stronger for it. The UK is slowly but surely recovering from the global pandemic and is poised to open its doors to professionals from around the world. This is the perfect chance to start looking for a job in UK if you have any inclination of migrating and working there.
3. Rich Historic Heritage
The UK is a country with an extremely rich and vast cultural and historic heritage. Numerous writers, painters, composers, and other artists have called themselves British at some point and contributed to its namesake. Likewise, the country is home to numerous art pieces and architectural achievements from around the globe, adding to its qualities for art connoisseurs.
As someone working in the UK, you’ll be able to enjoy its many museums, theaters, galleries, opera houses, and other venues. This will help you become more informed about modern trends, meet new people, as well as acclimate yourself to living in the UK more quickly. Holding a job in UK isn’t enough – you need to become one with its society, and the best way to do that is through its cultural and historic heritage.
4. Boost your CV with UK Professional Experiences
By getting a job in UK and spending time abroad, you’ll inevitably gain valuable experience and references for your CV. This will make any future job prospects you undertake far easier than before. This goes to show that the importance of a good CV cannot be overstated, no matter how young you are or how experienced you may already be.
Applying for work in your country or another company abroad with UK-based references in your CV will increase the likelihood of you landing those positions. Working in the UK can truly transform your career path if you commit to it and spend some time there. Most importantly, you’ll create long-lasting connections with professionals from the UK who will be useful to you for years to come. Given the regard in which UK companies are held worldwide, this is a net positive for you.
5. Access to Free National Healthcare Services (NHS)
The UK has a slightly different healthcare system than what you might be used to. The National Healthcare Service (NHS) is available to everyone residing legally in the UK for free. Even though there are private healthcare packages you can acquire through your employer or on your own, NHS is an amazing benefit to consider. Primary healthcare like general doctor visits, dental treatments, and pharmacy services are free of charge and funded through public taxes.
This is a far cry from many other countries in which private healthcare or additional monthly fees for medical insurance are a must. The only expense in terms of having access to NHS comes in the form of a health surcharge for people originating from outside the EU. If you fall under this category, you’ll need to pay about £150-200 to be fully eligible for national healthcare. Even so, this would make your living expenses while holding a job in UK far lower than they’d be in most other Western European countries.
6. Open the Doors for UK Citizenship Down the Road
If the job in UK aligns with your professional plans for the foreseeable future, you can spend several years in the UK and continue honing your skills. In the meantime, you’ll become eligible for UK citizenship after you’ve spent more than 5 years living and working there. By acquiring an indefinite leave to remain (ILR), you can apply for British citizenship with 5+ years on your residency tenure.
By that time, you’ll have a pretty good idea of whether you want to stay in the UK for longer or seek professional opportunities elsewhere. Regardless, applying for UK citizenship can open even more doors for you down the line. Make sure that you’re clear on the benefits of holding a British passport before you dive into the process. This is a very good benefit to consider attaining after several years of holding a job in UK successfully.
Look for a Job in UK with Jobs OneGlobe
Decided that the UK will be your next target for professional employment? Great! Jobs OneGlobe has prepared a wide range of resources for you to use to make your job applications smoother and more successful. Once you find a job in UK which you like, you’ll need to create a new CV, as well as prepare for an interview to impress your potential employer.
You can also go out of your way to acquire new skills ahead of time and enrich your CV with new soft skills, language proficiency, etc. Anything you can do to prepare well before you get in touch with prospective employers will increase your odds of landing the job in UK that you want. When you’re ready, start applying for jobs through Jobs OneGlobe and start the next chapter in your professional career!