
Going into a recruitment cycle without a clear idea of who you want to hire and how you’ll approach talent sourcing is risky. While you can use Jobs OneGlobe to publish your job listings and wait for candidates to come to you, you can do better with the resources you have available and plan your candidate recruitment.

According to published findings, about 90% of job seekers want to learn as much as possible from job listings before making the job application, specifically looking for discrepancies and red flags. With over 30% of companies using internal HR systems to assess who to hire, additional planning steps can be taken to ensure that the job listings attract good talent. Let’s discuss employee recruitment strategy planning and how you can benefit from a more calculated approach when looking for candidates on Jobs OneGlobe in 2022.

Perks of Planning your Recruitment Strategy

Let’s tackle the benefits of planning how to hire candidates before publishing your job listings and attracting talent. In the past few years, the job market and the way people look for jobs have changed dramatically, especially in the wake of the global pandemic.

According to recent reports, businesses whose brans are reputable receive 50% more qualified, worthwhile applicants than those with dubious job listings. 89% of passive candidates take extra care to evaluate the brands they apply for before submitting their CVs and cover letters, making a structured hiring plan a must for many companies.

While you may be hurting for good talent right now, you also want to avoid hiring inadequate candidates only to fill your vacancies with unsuitable individuals. Instead, you can benefit significantly from adopting a step-by-step planning approach to your recruitment efforts:

  • Shorter time from job listing publication to candidate hiring
  • A more qualified and targeted candidate pool
  • Accurate recruitment metrics and goals
  • More long-term employees and lower turnover
  • Improved company and staff culture

Most importantly, by planning your recruitment strategy upfront, you’ll spend fewer resources on acquiring new talent and have more resources available for training and onboarding. Without further ado, here’s how you can structure your hiring pipeline.

Sourcing and finding people is the most important.
You can’t recruit, message, or network with someone you haven’t found
.” – Glen Cathey

1. Plan – Identify your Job Vacancies

The first item on your agenda in terms of planning your hiring strategy should be to identify your job vacancies. Which positions within your company need to be filled with Jobs OneGlobe? By identifying your vacant positions, you’ll have an easier time writing meaningful and informative job listings.

According to statistical data, 52% of recruiters have put a high emphasis on improving the quality of their hires since 2021, with 22% expanding their talent pipeline to acquire better candidates. You can do the same and structure your job listings so that prospective job seekers have a better idea of the hard skills they need to get hired by your company.

75 recruitment1 Practical 7 Step Employee Recruitment Strategy to Implement in 2022
Recruitment should always be a team effort, no matter the size of your company. The second set of eyes will help you identify the best candidates more successfully than you could do on your own, no matter how experienced you are at candidate selection.

2. Analyze – Who Exactly Do You Want to Hire?

The question of “who” exactly you’re looking for is just as important as the hard skills a candidate might have. You want to find the people who will integrate into your existing business culture as easily as possible. This can be done by outlining several characteristics you want to look out for in candidates.

Keep this list of traits and perks for yourself and use it during the job interview and selection process. Analyze the types of people you’re prepared to hire and who you’d like to work with day-to-day. You want to ensure that these individuals are comfortable to work with, professional, and reliable beyond their hard skills and past employment.

3. Search – Use Jobs OneGlobe to Attract Candidates

Once you have a good outline of who you want to hire for your job listings, you should create your job listings on Jobs OneGlobe. Jobs OneGlobe allows you to create custom job listings through its innovative and approachable UI.

The platform will guide you through the process of creating your job listings so that they’re formatted and well-presented on the platform. You can also acquire Job Listings Promotion and Company Promotion packages to increase your job listings’ visibility on the site. Your first job listing is free, so make sure to create it and be on the lookout for candidates applying for the vacancy.

Hiring is about alignment, personality, culture, heart, and work ethic.” ― Mitch Gray

4. Screen – Analyze your Candidates’ CVs

As your recruitment cycle is underway, more and more CVs will pour in for you to analyze. You should take extra care to analyze each application and weigh whether the candidate is suitable for your vacancy or not. You must be objective and realistic while analyzing candidates’ CVs.

Staff diversification is a major point of content for many job seekers and you should keep this in mind when recruiting in 2022. Diversity recruitment is always a welcome addition to any recruitment pipeline, so consider hiring international talent as well. This might just be the thing you need to revitalize your staff and give your company a new sense of belonging on the market.

5. Engage – Arrange Interviews with the Candidates

Job interviews are essential for you to get a good feel for a candidate. You should never hire candidates without an interview no matter how good their CVs are. This is because some points in the CV might be overblown or outright false. The best way to approach candidate recruitment is with a healthy dose of skepticism. Arrange for job interviews and prepare a list of questions for your candidates to answer.

Allow them to talk about themselves, their motivation for applying, and what they hope to achieve working for your company. Don’t neglect recent graduates and young applicants due to their inherent inexperience. They might prove more valuable for your company than senior applicants because you can retain them for longer. Give everyone a fair chance at landing the job and take your time in reviewing their interview results.

6. Select – Shortlist and Hire the Right Candidates

Given that you might have interviewed a dozen candidates and you only have one or two job vacancies available, you’ll need to make some hard decisions. Shortlisting candidates can feel like ungrateful work, especially since most candidates will be just as qualified as others and you’ll still need to eliminate them.

When shortlisting candidates, consider all factors, starting with their initial CVs and cover letters. What made these candidates stick out and make them more appealing to you as an employer? What are their character traits like? What about their communication and other soft skills during the interview? When you’re ready to select your candidates, confirm your choices with a colleague or an HR professional in your company and proceed with hiring them.

7. Onboard – Hire and Train your Candidates

Once you’ve hired select candidates and are ready to welcome them to your staff, you should pay close attention to their onboarding experience. Onboarding is the last major step in the recruitment and should be handled carefully. It will determine how long an employee will stay with the company and whether they’ll leave in a few months due to poor initial experience.

If possible, assign a senior coach to the junior employee and have them assume a mentor’s role. Ensure that new hires have sufficient training when it comes to hardware and software, and any other tools related to doing their jobs well. Candidates that are well-trained and engaged from day one will be far more likely to give it all to the company and stay with it for the foreseeable future.

Hiring people with fresh ideas
is the key to a company’s future success
.” ― Eraldo Banovac

Using your Recruitment Strategy at Jobs OneGlobe

Adopting this recruitment plan will make your hiring efforts not only faster but more structured and rewarding in the long run. According to Forbes, 64% of HR professionals listed talent sourcing as the biggest 2022 trend, with data-driven recruitment practices being favored by 62% of recruiters. It’s no longer enough to simply publish your job listings and call it a day.

Jobs OneGlobe is available to you for talent sourcing, candidate recruitment, and an informed selection of professionals from around the world. However, you should plan which kinds of people you want to attract to your job vacancies ahead of time to attract the right candidates. Once you have a good idea of what you want your staff roster to look like, selecting the best candidates will become more straightforward than ever.

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